Thursday, October 24, 2024

Activation Desktops Effects => Windows Management => Cube feature on F41 KDE Spin in VENV

 I was forced to enable 3D accelearation && OpenGL and bring up just once KVM instance of F41 KDE Spin  to obtain option Desktops Effects => Windows Management => Cube visible for activation. Six virtual desktops had been already activated. Afterwards Super+"C" started to work.  Then I shutdown F41 KDE instance and disabled  3D accelearation && OpenGL. Following runtime sessions of F41 KDE KVM Guest would have Cube Desktop feature enabled and Super+"C" functional even in normal UEFI mode with disabled options 3D accelearation && OpenGL of Virtual-manager.

So in normal UEFI mode session of Virt-manager F41 still keeps required for Cube Desktop options enabled and Cube Desktop feature functional

Same way behaves Arch Linux Plasma 6.2.2 KVM Guest regarding Cube Desktop feature activation

UPDATE as of 10/26/24. Cockpit Web Console supports Fedora's 41 Server's KDE RC 1.4 Cube Desktop Feature described above  

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Start Pycharm-community-2024.2.3 on Suse Tumbleweed

 Straight forward install Pycharm-community-2024.2.3 via extracting tar ball either snap will fail showing up following error

boris@localhost:~/Downloads/pycharm-community-2024.2.3/bin> ./
**Start Failed**
Internal error
java.lang.InternalError: Unable to load native GTK libraries

To avoid this failure libgthread-2_0-0 is supposed to be preinstalled :

 boris@localhost:~> sudo zypper install libgthread-2_0-0

[sudo] password for root:  
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...
Resolving package dependencies...

The following NEW package is going to be installed:

1 new package to install.

Package download size:    78.9 KiB

Package install size change:
             |      39.2 KiB  required by packages that will be installed
   39.2 KiB  |  -      0 B    released by packages that will be removed

Backend:  classic_rpmtrans
Continue? [y/n/v/...? shows all options] (y): y
Retrieving: libgthread-2_0-0-2.82.1-1.1.x86_64 (Main Repository (OSS))              (1/1),  78.9 KiB     
Retrieving: libgthread-2_0-0-2.82.1-1.1.x86_64.rpm ..................................[done (43.2 KiB/s)]

Checking for file conflicts: .....................................................................[done]
(1/1) Installing: libgthread-2_0-0-2.82.1-1.1.x86_64 .............................................[done]
Running post-transaction scripts ...........................

$ sudo zypper install glib2-devel would work as well

Same step should be undertaken for openSUSE_Krypton.x86_64-16.0-Build13.241.iso

Plasma version is 6.2.80 for Krypton has  been assembled on 10/14/24


Friday, October 11, 2024

Setup Python 3.13 via pyenv along with system-wide 3.12.7 on ArchLinux KDE Plasma 6.2

 Pyenv is a tool for managing multiple Python versions. Once pyenv is installed you can easily switch between one project that uses Python 3.13.0 and a system-wide default Python 3.12.7.

$ git clone ~/.pyenv

The following two installs are required to perform successful build Python 3.13.0 for particular user via pyenv. This build won't affect system-wide Python 3.12.7

$ sudo pacman -S base-devel

$ sudo pacman -S tk

Now we update ~/.bashrc as follows :

$ echo 'export PYENV_ROOT="$HOME/.pyenv"' >> ~/.bashrc

$ echo 'export PATH="$PYENV_ROOT/bin:$PATH"' >>  ~/.bashrc

$ echo 'eval "$(pyenv init --path)"' >> ~/.bashrc

$ source  ~/.bashrc

$ pyenv install 3.13.0

Downloading Python-3.13.0.tar.xz...


Installing Python-3.13.0...

Installed Python-3.13.0 to /home/boris/.pyenv/versions/3.13.0

$ pyenv global 3.13.0

Notice that Pycharm projects running 3D plots requires PyQt6 to be

installed in particular virtual environment of this project


Thursday, October 3, 2024

Setup DUAL DE KDE Plasma 6.2 Beta && Hyprland (ML4W on Arch Linux

 Perform standard install KDE Plasma 6.1.5  on Arch Linux as KVM instance. Then add following lines right above  core-testing entry :-

Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

into /etc/pacman.conf 

When /etc/pacman.conf would be updated  issue 

 $ sudo pacman -Syu ; $ sudo reboot

Next step would be install Hyprland (ML4W  via Paru as suggested below

$ git clone 

$ cd paru-git 

$ makepkg -si 

$ paru -S ml4w-hyprland

$ sudo reboot

$ ml4w-hyprland-setup

$ sudo reboot

Log into Hyprland via updated SDDM promt

Then you may run neofetch for instance inside Hyprland (ML4W DE