Thursday, June 27, 2024

Arch Linux installer "Archinstall" 2.8.1 adds experimental LVM support

Following below is attempt to reproduce sample described in in virtual environment . To perform the testing first of all

# pacman -Sy archinstall   [upgrade 2.8.0-2 => 2.8.1-1]

Then follow standard schema deploying Arch Linux Guest under KVM Hypervisor .

# archinstall

You may clearly see in the video how to switch to testing been performed in the post above. Video itself is pretty nice, however, LVM feature evaluating was skipped in this video, regardless version of archinstall was upgraded to 2.8.1-1.


Then there are the plans to support encryption for LVMs across partitions, an option to manually configure LVM, and to deal with pre-mounted LVM volumes for the Pre-mount menu option.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Setup KVM Hypervisor on LMDE 6

 In particular case the original set  of packages differs from Debian 12.5 and Sparky Linux 2024.05 ones

$ sudo apt install qemu-system libvirt-daemon-system libvirt-clients bridge-utils virt-manager -y

 $ sudo virsh net-start default
 $ sudo virsh net-autostart default                    
 $ sudo modprobe vhost_net 
 $ lsmod | grep vhost
 $ echo vhost_net | sudo tee -a /etc/modules
 $ sudo usermod -a -G libvirt  $(whoami)
 $ sudo reboot

 Install Web Cockpit Console
 $  sudo apt install cockpit cockpit-machines
 $  sudo systemctl start cockpit.socket

 Update of /usr/lib/systemd/system/cockpit.service is still required  two lines below are supposed to be added to *.service file :

 $  sudo systemctl enable cockpit.socket

 Tuning firewall
 $  sudo apt install firewalld
 Enable and start firewalld service
 $  sudo firewall-cmd --add-service=cockpit --permanent
 $  sudo firewall-cmd --reload