Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Hyprland with ML4W Dotfiles as second DE for Manjaro 24.2 Yonada KDE Testing KVM Guest

Start setup below via remote ssh login into Manjaro  Yonada Plasma 6.2.4 Testing KVM Guest just to have "copy and paste" handy. First roll forward Manjaro Stable to Manjaro Testing Branch

$ sudo pacman-mirrors --api --set-branch testing

$ sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 10 && sudo pacman -Syu

 If you have a corrupted package database and want to force synchronization, you can use "sudo pacman -Syyu"

$ sudo pacman-mirrors --fasttrack 10 && sudo pacman -Syyu

and proceed  as follows

$ sudo reboot
$ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git
$ cd yay
$ makepkg -si
$ cd

Make sure yay has been built successfully

$ which yay
$ yay -S ml4w-hyprland-git

Now login into Manjaro Spice Console and run

$ ml4w-hyprland-setup

After vm's reboot you should be able login into Hyprland DE

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Bring back to life Hyprland with ML4W 2.9.7 Dotfiles as second DE for Manjaro-KDE-24.1.2-241104 KVM Guest

 Straight forward run `sudo pacman -Syyu`  on Manjaro KDE as of 11/04/2024 failed. Several commands shown bellow finally brought me to success. Having stable Manjaro release rolled forward to a final state we can just replace "downgrade" by "manjaro-downgrade" to reproduce same approach as in my previous post to Lxer.com . Current version of ML4W Dotfiles appears to be

$ sudo pacman-key --init

$ sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro

$ sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring manjaro-keyring

$ sudo pacman -Scc

$ sudo pacman -Syyu

Now follow  https://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/348282/index.html

[boris@boris-mjrdevs ~]$ yay -S manjaro-downgrade

Sync Explicit (1): manjaro-downgrade-2.2-2

[sudo] password for boris:

resolving dependencies...

looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) manjaro-downgrade-2.2-2

Total Download Size:   0.05 MiB

Total Installed Size:  0.08 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y

:: Retrieving packages...

 manjaro-downgrade-2.2-2-any   46.5 KiB   115 KiB/s 00:00 [###############################] 100%

(1/1) checking keys in keyring                            [###############################] 100%

(1/1) checking package integrity                          [###############################] 100%

(1/1) loading package files                               [###############################] 100%

(1/1) checking for file conflicts                         [###############################] 100%

(1/1) checking available disk space                       [###############################] 100%

:: Processing package changes...

(1/1) installing manjaro-downgrade                        [###############################] 100%

:: Running post-transaction hooks...

(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...

[boris@boris-mjrdevs ~]$ sudo manjaro-downgrade aquamarine hyprland

:: Retrieving packages...

 aquamarine-0.4.5-1-x86_64    341.8 KiB   295 KiB/s 00:01 [###############################] 100%

 hyprland-0.45.0-1-x86_64      46.8 MiB  5.89 MiB/s 00:08 [###############################] 100%

loading packages...

warning: downgrading package aquamarine (0.5.0-1 => 0.4.5-1)

warning: downgrading package hyprland (0.45.2-3 => 0.45.0-1)

resolving dependencies...

looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (3) xorg-xinput-1.6.4-2  aquamarine-0.4.5-1  hyprland-0.45.0-1

Total Download Size:    0.03 MiB

Total Installed Size:  56.59 MiB

Net Upgrade Size:       0.06 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y

. . . .

:: Processing package changes...

(1/3) downgrading aquamarine                              [###############################] 100%

(2/3) installing xorg-xinput                              [###############################] 100%

(3/3) downgrading hyprland                                [###############################] 100%

:: Running post-transaction hooks...

(1/2) Reloading user manager configuration...

(2/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...

add aquamarine to IgnorePkg? [y/N] y

add hyprland to IgnorePkg? [y/N] y


Saturday, November 30, 2024

Bring back to life Hyprland with ML4W 2.9.7 Dotfiles as second DE for Arch Plasma 6.2.4 KVM Guest

UPDATE as of 12/15/2024.   Version ML4W Dotfiles  has issue described below fixed. No downgrade is required any longer.


Start as advised in https://github.com/mylinuxforwork/dotfiles/wiki/installation on Arch Plasma 2.9.7 KVM Guest  $ bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mylinuxforwork/dotfiles/main/setup-arch.sh) and after reboot be ready to fail login into Hyprland DE.

Attempt to downgrade aquamarine and hyprland per  https://github.com/mylinuxforwork/dotfiles/wiki/Installation-in-a-KVM-virtual-machine#troubleshooting-for-hyprland-0452  to fix a bug in Hyprland; i.e. suggestion to perform downgrade sequentially didn't work for me . Only  attempt to downgrade both packages at a time was successful.

Login remotely into Arch Plasma 2.9.7 KVM Guest via ssh. Proceed in ssh session

$ sudo vim /etc/pacman.conf



IgnorePkg = hyprland

IgnorePkg = aquamarine


Now attempt to downgrade both packages at a time, rather then try to downgrade them sequentially  

$ yay -S downgrade

Both selections for aquamarine 0.5.0-1 => 0.4.5-1 and for hyprland 0.45.2-3 => 0.45.0-1 were done in the same TUI session and successfully initiated downgrade transaction. 

$ sudo downgrade aquamarine hyprland 

:: Retrieving packages...
aquamarine-0.4.5-1-x86_64    341.8 KiB   464 KiB/s 00:01 [##############################] 100%
hyprland-0.45.0-1-x86_64      46.8 MiB  1512 KiB/s 00:32 [##############################] 100%
loading packages...
warning: downgrading package aquamarine (0.5.0-1 => 0.4.5-1)
warning: downgrading package hyprland (0.45.2-3 => 0.45.0-1)
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (4) xorg-xinput-1.6.4-2  xorg-xrandr-1.5.3-1  aquamarine-0.4.5-1  hyprland-0.45.0-1

Total Download Size:    0.06 MiB
Total Installed Size:  56.66 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:       0.13 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y
:: Retrieving packages...
xorg-xrandr-1.5.3-1-x86_64    37.6 KiB   149 KiB/s 00:00 [##############################] 100%
xorg-xinput-1.6.4-2-x86_64    27.6 KiB  83.7 KiB/s 00:00 [##############################] 100%
Total (2/2)                   65.2 KiB   157 KiB/s 00:00 [##############################] 100%
(4/4) checking keys in keyring                            [##############################] 100%
(3/4) checking package integrity                          [##############################] 100%
(3/4) loading package files                               [##############################] 100%
(4/4) checking for file conflicts                         [##############################] 100%
(4/4) checking available disk space                       [##############################] 100%
:: Processing package changes...
(1/4) downgrading aquamarine                              [##############################] 100%
(2/4) installing xorg-xrandr                              [##############################] 100%
(3/4) installing xorg-xinput                              [##############################] 100%
(4/4) downgrading hyprland                                [##############################] 100%
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/2) Reloading user manager configuration...
(2/2) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
add aquamarine to IgnorePkg? [y/N] y

$ yay -S ml4w-hyprland-git

Login into Arch Plasma VM and run

$ ml4w-hypland-setup 

Menu in left down corner now provide you a real choice of DE

Friday, November 29, 2024

Hyprland with ML4W 2.9.7 Dotfiles as second DE on Fedora 41 KDE Spin (bare metal)

Same setup as was proposed in the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxiX3E5B8bU&t=379s  for Fedora 41 WKS (Gnome DE) was successfully reproduced on Fedora 41 KDE Spin on bare metal .

Login prompt may be reproduced in VENV without any further success inside Hyprland ML4W 2.9.7 as second DE fror F41 KDE Plasma 6.2.4 KVM Guest

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Build a Fresh Arch ISO to test archinstall 3.0.0 on KVM Guest

 Following   https://xerolinux.xyz/posts/build-archiso/

Issue commands: 

$ sudo pacman -S archiso
$ mkdir ~/ArchWork && mkdir ~/ArchOut
$ sudo mkarchiso -v -w ~/ArchWork -o ~/ArchOut /usr/share/archiso/configs/releng

Next Step is obvious 
 cp archlinux-2024.11.19-x86_64.iso ~/Downloads/
You are ready for straight forward deploying Arch Linux via Virt-manager in standard way and watch new interface provided by current status of Arch with no failure in pipewire section

When done reboot the instance as usual

Make sure that deployment has been performed via Virt-Manager connected to libvirtd daemon
ls -l *.iso
.rw-r--r-- 1.2G libvirt-qemu 10 Nov 16:17  archlinux-2024.11.01-x86_64.iso
.rw-r--r-- 1.2G libvirt-qemu 19 Nov 09:10 archlinux-2024.11.19-x86_64.iso

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Getting Spice console to work for Arch Plasma 6.2.3 Guest at ArchLinux Plasma 6.2.3 KVM Virtualiztion Host (bare metal)

UPDATE as of 11/16/24 See https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/issues/2639#note_2199435292 

Just downgrade QEMU to the previous version - QEMU 9.1.0-2 will solve the problem    $ sudo pacman -U  /var/cache/pacman/pkg/qemu-*9.1.0-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst  until 9.1.2 would be done by maintainers .


Switch from from ICH9 to AC97 (sound)  via Virt-Manager Guest features  resolves the issue in meantime. Sound from youtube's video running inside VM starts to go via external speakers. Tested for F41 KDE Spin Guest at ArchLinux Plasma 6.2.3 KVM Virtualiztion Host as well. Also notice that Fedora 41 KVM Virtualization Server works with any deployed guest and Arch Linux Plasma in particular via Spice Console with default option ICH9 without any problems.

The most recent openSUSE-Krypton as KVM guest at  ArchLinux Plasma 6.2.3 KVM Virtualiztion Host behaves exactly the same way as was described above - switching Virt-Manager setting sound ICH9 => AC97. Afterwards everything works fine .

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Setup Dual DE Arch KDE Plasma 6.2.3 and Hyprland ML4W on bare metal

 First DE supposed to be installed is KDE Plasma 6.2.3, installation follows instructions proposed in thread  https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall/issues/2764  due to known issue with pipewire-pulse.service in arch ISO version as of 11/01/2024

# pacman -Sy git

# git clone https://github.com/archlinux/archinstall

# cd archinstall 

# python -m archinstall

Managing this way you come through Piperwire section of archinstall without any trouble.

After reboot we may install Stephan's Raabe Hyprland ML4W Dotfiles straight away via commands

 $ sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git
 $ git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay.git
 $ cd yay 
 $ makepkg -si
 $ yay -S ml4w-hyprland
 $ ml4w-hyprland-setup 

Original video may be seen here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JT_YHknWfKs

Switching to Plasma DE may be performed via really nice prompt screen which can inherit wallpaper has been setup for Hyprland session

Login prompt screen was done in VENV