Sunday, March 19, 2017

Remote ssh connection via sshuttle to Overcloud TripleO QuickStart VMs (Master branch)

Posting bellow is immediate follow up for recent TripleO QuickStart Deployment with feature sets (topology) and nodes configuration separated
Just include control plane in sshuttle command line providing connection to external network. I also presume that TripleO QS Deployment has
been commited on VIRTHOST ( like described in link mentioned above )

Run from fedora (24/25) workstation :-

[boris@fedora24wks ~]$ sshuttle -e "ssh -F $HOME/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible" \
-r undercloud -v

Cut and paste content of RSA PRIVATE KEY  into  oskey031917.pem on      workstation running sshuttle session  from generated previously on overcloud controller RSA PRIVATE KEY for ssh key-pair , which Public key ssh-rsa was uploaded to nova and used when launching Ubuntu VM in overcloud  :-

[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack keypair create oskey031917 > oskey031917.pem
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack keypair list
| Name        | Fingerprint                                     |
| oskey031917 | 07:89:e7:02:33:78:6f:2b:6d:3d:5b:22:2e:b4:e9:a5 |



# chmod 600 *.pem

Connect to overcloud VM from WKS

[boris@fedora24wks ~]$ cat  oskey031917.pem

[boris@fedora24wks ~]$ ssh -i oskey031917.pem ubuntu@
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-66-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:
 * Management:
 * Support:

  Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:

0 packages can be updated.
0 updates are security updates.

Last login: Sun Mar 19 20:41:41 2017 from
# A new feature in cloud-init identified possible datasources for       
# this system as:                                                       
#   ['Ec2', 'None']                                                     
# However, the datasource used was: OpenStack                           
# In the future, cloud-init will only attempt to use datasources that   
# are identified or specifically configured.                            
# For more information see                                              
# If you are seeing this message, please file a bug against             
# cloud-init at                                                         
# Make sure to include the cloud provider your instance is              
# running on.                                                           
# After you have filed a bug, you can disable this warning by launching 
# your instance with the cloud-config below, or putting that content    
# into /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-warnings.cfg                           
# #cloud-config                                                         
# warnings:                                                             
#   dsid_missing_source: off                                            

Disable the warnings above by:
  touch /home/ubuntu/.cloud-warnings.skip
  touch /var/lib/cloud/instance/warnings/.skip

ubuntu@ubuntuxdevs01:~$ uname -a
Linux ubuntuxdevs01 4.4.0-66-generic #87-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 3 15:29:05 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
ubuntu@ubuntuxdevs01:~$ df -h
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
udev            478M     0  478M   0% /dev
tmpfs            97M  3.1M   94M   4% /run
/dev/vda1       6.8G  1.6G  5.2G  24% /
tmpfs           485M     0  485M   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs           5.0M     0  5.0M   0% /run/lock
tmpfs           485M     0  485M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs            97M     0   97M   0% /run/user/1000

Saturday, March 18, 2017

TripleO QuickStart Master branch Deployment with feature sets and nodes configuration (topology) seperated

Quoting currently posted release notes :-

  Configuration files in general_config were separated
    into feature sets (to be specified with --config
    argument ) and nodes configuration (to be specified with
    --nodes configuration)
    Featureset files should contain only the list of flags
    that enable features we want to test in the deployment,
    the overcloud nodes configuration, and all that involves
    their set up, should be put into nodes configuration

end quote

In meantime `git clone`
generates under tripleo-quickstart/config/general_config.

[boris@fedora24wks general_config]$ ls -l
total 72
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris 1289 Mar 18 11:19 3ctlr_1comp_2ceph.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris 1674 Mar 18 11:16 featureset001.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris 3426 Mar 18 11:16 featureset002.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris  134 Mar 18 11:16 featureset003.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris  255 Mar 18 11:16 featureset004.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris  185 Mar 18 11:16 featureset005.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris  158 Mar 18 11:16 featureset006.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris  158 Mar 18 11:16 featureset007.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris  158 Mar 18 11:16 featureset008.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris  158 Mar 18 11:16 featureset009.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris  336 Mar 18 11:16 featureset-multinode-common.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris 1556 Mar 18 11:16 ipa.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris 3209 Mar 18 11:16 ipv6.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris 1242 Mar 18 11:16 minimal_pacemaker.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris 1410 Mar 18 11:16 minimal.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris  401 Mar 18 11:16 no_netiso.yml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 boris boris 1262 Mar 18 11:16 pacemaker.yml
drwxrwxr-x. 3 boris boris 4096 Mar 18 11:16 releasenotes

Attempt to create ha.yml (with 2 compute nodes) and/or ha-ceph.yml and deploy as ealier via "--config" results `ironic node-list` which don't match original *.yml templates. Deployment command line shoud have keys "--config" pointing to features  file and "--nodes" pointing to nodes configuration (topology)  in overcloud. They both must be present in deployment command line invoking

File config/nodes/3ctrl_1comp_2ceph.yml created by myself as follows :-

[boris@fedora24wks nodes]$ cat 3ctlr_1comp_2ceph.yml

# Nodes set up for HA openstack environment.
control_memory: 6700
compute_memory: 6500

undercloud_memory: 8192

# Giving the undercloud additional CPUs can greatly improve heat's
# performance (and result in a shorter deploy time).
undercloud_vcpu: 4

# Since HA has more machines, we set the cpu for controllers and
# compute nodes to 1 and 2.
default_vcpu: 1
compute_vcpu: 2

# This enables TLS for the undercloud which will also make haproxy bind to the
# configured public-vip and admin-vip.
undercloud_generate_service_certificate: True

# Create three controller nodes and one compute node.
  - name: control_0
    flavor: control
    virtualbmc_port: 6230

  - name: control_1
    flavor: control
    virtualbmc_port: 6231

  - name: control_2
    flavor: control
    virtualbmc_port: 6232

  - name: compute_0
    flavor: compute
    virtualbmc_port: 6233

  - name: ceph_0
    flavor: ceph
    virtualbmc_port: 6234

  - name: ceph_1
    flavor: ceph
    virtualbmc_port: 6235

# Tell tripleo about our environment.

topology: >-
  --control-scale 3
  --compute-scale 1
  --ceph-storage-scale 2
  -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/storage-environment.yaml

Deployment run && success

$ bash -R master  --config config/general_config/pacemaker.yml  \
   --nodes  config/nodes/3ctrl_1comp_2ceph.yml  $VIRTHOST

Upon completition

Saturday 18 March 2017  11:55:22 +0300 (0:00:03.282)       0:33:15.613 ******** 
undercloud-deploy : Install the undercloud --------------------------- 1127.66s
overcloud-prep-images : Prepare the overcloud images for deploy ------- 193.37s
setup/undercloud : Perform selinux relabel on undercloud image -------- 106.58s
setup/undercloud : Upload undercloud volume to storage pool ------------ 44.61s
fetch-images : Get qcow2 image from cache ------------------------------ 30.33s
setup/undercloud : Copy instackenv.json to appliance ------------------- 29.80s
overcloud-prep-flavors : Prepare the scripts for overcloud flavors ----- 28.79s
parts/libvirt : Install packages for libvirt --------------------------- 14.80s
undercloud-deploy : Create the Virtual BMCs ---------------------------- 14.12s
setup/undercloud : Get undercloud vm ip address ------------------------ 12.61s
setup/overcloud : Create overcloud vm storage --------------------------- 7.22s
undercloud-deploy : Start the Virtual BMCs ------------------------------ 7.16s
setup/overcloud : Define overcloud vms ---------------------------------- 6.90s
setup/undercloud : Inject undercloud ssh public key to appliance -------- 6.88s
setup/overcloud : Attach additional blockdevices to overcloud objectstorage VMs --- 6.86s
undercloud-deploy : Create undercloud install script -------------------- 6.77s
setup/overcloud : Create additional blockdevice for objectstorage nodes --- 6.62s
overcloud-prep-network : Prepare the network-isolation required networks on the undercloud --- 6.60s
teardown/nodes : Check overcloud vms ------------------------------------ 6.31s
teardown/nodes : Delete baremetal vm storage ---------------------------- 6.31s
+ set +x
Virtual Environment Setup Complete

Access the undercloud by:

    ssh -F /home/boris/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible undercloud

Follow the documentation in the link below to complete your deployment.

Virtual Environment Setup Complete
[boris@fedora24wks tripleo-quickstart]$ ssh -F /home/boris/.quickstart/ssh.config.ansible undercloud
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Warning: Permanently added 'undercloud' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Last login: Sat Mar 18 08:55:15 2017 from gateway
[stack@undercloud ~]$ vi stackrc ( comment out setting commmand prompt to undercloud )
and be able scroll commands stack up and down. 
Next step :- 
$ sudo vi  /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/puppet/services/ceph-mon.yaml
Update line :-
ceph::profile::params::osd_pool_default_size: 2
instead of default value "3". This step is acceptable only in Virtual Environment.
Setting  the osd_pool_default_size set to 2,
you will only have two copies of the object and missing quorum on cluster. As a general rule,
you should run your cluster with more than two OSD and a pool size greater than two object replica.
So having 48GB RAM on VIRTHOST  the optimal setting is osd_pool_default_size = 3 

    description: Role data for the Ceph Monitor service.
      service_name: ceph_mon
      monitoring_subscription: {get_param: MonitoringSubscriptionCephMon}
          - get_attr: [CephBase, role_data, config_settings]
          - ceph::profile::params::ms_bind_ipv6: {get_param: CephIPv6}
            ceph::profile::params::mon_key: {get_param: CephMonKey}
            ceph::profile::params::osd_pool_default_pg_num: 32
            ceph::profile::params::osd_pool_default_pgp_num: 32
            ceph::profile::params::osd_pool_default_size: 2  <== instead of "3"      
            # repeat returns items in a list, so we need to map_merge twice
                - map_merge:
                          - {get_param: CinderRbdPoolName}
                          - {get_param: CinderBackupRbdPoolName}
                          - {get_param: NovaRbdPoolName}
                          - {get_param: GlanceRbdPoolName}
                          - {get_param: GnocchiRbdPoolName}

[stack@undercloud ~]$ .  stackrc
[stack@undercloud ~]$ ironic node-list
| UUID                                 | Name      | Instance UUID | Power State | Provisioning State | Maintenance |
| d674df4b-7215-4de2-8f1a-0b94f1578d79 | control-0 | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| 8332313e-a1ee-4dad-9910-1e1d07ebffae | control-1 | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| 8b645052-b10d-4a49-9d40-d2e02d7046a0 | control-2 | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| f3560550-5f67-4bb3-83c3-a8fe46b78b1b | compute-0 | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| 099f6428-928b-4fbb-bfa4-26a857387c26 | ceph-0    | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
| 3ce0e0dc-f4b3-4a02-bc97-631acc2df43b | ceph-1    | None          | power off   | available          | False       |
[stack@undercloud ~]$ ls -l
total 1650228
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack 3ctlr_1comp_2ceph.yml       357 Mar 18 08:55 cloud-names.yaml
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack        371 Mar 18 08:50 containers-default-parameters.yaml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack       2521 Mar 18 08:26 instackenv.json
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack  356298022 Mar 13 13:55 ironic-python-agent.initramfs
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack    5393008 Mar 13 13:55 ironic-python-agent.kernel
-rw-r--r--. 1 stack stack        474 Mar 18 08:50 network-environment.yaml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack        208 Mar 18 08:55 neutronl3ha.yaml
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack          0 Mar 18 08:50 overcloud_custom_tht_script.log
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack        293 Mar 18 08:50
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack        973 Mar 18 08:55
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack       3042 Mar 18 08:54
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack   46930451 Mar 13 13:56 overcloud-full.initrd
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack 1275396096 Mar 13 13:55 overcloud-full.qcow2
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack    5393008 Mar 13 13:56 overcloud-full.vmlinuz
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack       1652 Mar 18 08:50
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack       7500 Mar 18 08:54 overcloud_prep_flavors.log
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack       3672 Mar 18 08:53
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack       5693 Mar 18 08:53 overcloud_prep_images.log
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack        645 Mar 18 08:50
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack       1479 Mar 18 08:54 overcloud_prep_network.log
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack        863 Mar 18 08:54
-rw-------. 1 stack stack        543 Mar 18 08:30 quickstart-hieradata-overrides.yaml
-rw-------. 1 stack stack        942 Mar 18 08:58 stackrc
-rw-------. 1 stack stack       8219 Mar 18 08:30 undercloud.conf
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack     312027 Mar 18 08:49 undercloud_install.log
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack        270 Mar 18 08:30
-rw-rw-r--. 1 stack stack       1854 Mar 18 08:30 undercloud-passwords.conf
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 stack stack        463 Mar 18 08:50
[stack@undercloud ~]$ vi neutronl3ha.yaml
[stack@undercloud ~]$ vi
[stack@undercloud ~]$ ./
+ source /home/stack/stackrc
+++ set
+++ awk '{FS="="}  /^OS_/ {print $1}'
++ for key in '$( set | awk '\''{FS="="}  /^OS_/ {print $1}'\'' )'
++ unset OS_AUTH_URL
++ for key in '$( set | awk '\''{FS="="}  /^OS_/ {print $1}'\'' )'
++ for key in '$( set | awk '\''{FS="="}  /^OS_/ {print $1}'\'' )'
++ for key in '$( set | awk '\''{FS="="}  /^OS_/ {print $1}'\'' )'
++ unset OS_NO_CACHE
++ for key in '$( set | awk '\''{FS="="}  /^OS_/ {print $1}'\'' )'
++ unset OS_PASSWORD
++ for key in '$( set | awk '\''{FS="="}  /^OS_/ {print $1}'\'' )'
++ for key in '$( set | awk '\''{FS="="}  /^OS_/ {print $1}'\'' )'
++ unset OS_USERNAME
++ export NOVA_VERSION
+++ sudo hiera admin_password
++ OS_PASSWORD=8d936227c98dc4556ff6b7b5099ecc0fa34e5e82
++ export OS_PASSWORD
++ PYTHONWARNINGS='ignore:Certificate has no, ignore:A true SSLContext object is not available'
++ export OS_AUTH_URL
++ OS_USERNAME=admin
++ OS_CLOUDNAME=undercloud
++ export OS_USERNAME
++ export OS_TENANT_NAME
++ export OS_NO_CACHE
++ export OS_CLOUDNAME
+ true
++ openstack hypervisor stats show -c count -f value
+ count=6
+ '[' 6 -gt 0 ']'
+ break
+ openstack overcloud deploy --templates /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates --libvirt-type qemu --control-flavor oooq_control --compute-flavor oooq_compute --ceph-storage-flavor oooq_ceph --block-storage-flavor oooq_blockstorage --swift-storage-flavor oooq_objectstorage --timeout 90 -e /home/stack/cloud-names.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/net-single-nic-with-vlans.yaml -e /home/stack/network-environment.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/puppet-pacemaker.yaml -e /home/stack/neutronl3ha.yaml -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/low-memory-usage.yaml --validation-warnings-fatal --control-scale 3 --compute-scale 1 --ceph-storage-scale 2 --ntp-server -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage-environment.yaml
os-cloud-config is DEPRECATED in the Ocata release and will be removed in Pike.
Removing the current plan files
Uploading new plan files
Started Mistral Workflow tripleo.plan_management.v1.update_deployment_plan. Execution ID: 44217554-78e1-4070-b70c-0634bdee321f
Plan updated
Deploying templates in the directory /tmp/tripleoclient-U7Cy1k/tripleo-heat-templates
Started Mistral Workflow tripleo.deployment.v1.deploy_plan. Execution ID: a98067ce-9fc1-40b7-ad68-2a018e4982cb
2017-03-18 09:04:14Z [overcloud]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 09:04:14Z [overcloud.HorizonSecret]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:14Z [overcloud.ServiceNetMap]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:15Z [overcloud.ServiceNetMap]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 09:04:15Z [overcloud.RabbitCookie]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:15Z [overcloud.Networks]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:15Z [overcloud.ServiceNetMap.ServiceNetMapValue]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:15Z [overcloud.ServiceNetMap.ServiceNetMapValue]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:15Z [overcloud.ServiceNetMap]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 09:04:16Z [overcloud.PcsdPassword]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:16Z [overcloud.HeatAuthEncryptionKey]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:16Z [overcloud.Networks]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 09:04:16Z [overcloud.Networks.TenantNetwork]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:16Z [overcloud.MysqlRootPassword]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:16Z [overcloud.ServiceNetMap]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.PcsdPassword]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.Networks.ManagementNetwork]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.Networks.TenantNetwork]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.HorizonSecret]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.RabbitCookie]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.Networks.StorageMgmtNetwork]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.Networks.TenantNetwork.TenantNetwork]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.HeatAuthEncryptionKey]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.MysqlRootPassword]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.DefaultPasswords]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.Networks.ExternalNetwork]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:17Z [overcloud.Networks.StorageMgmtNetwork]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 09:04:18Z [overcloud.Networks.TenantNetwork.TenantNetwork]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:18Z [overcloud.Networks.StorageMgmtNetwork.StorageMgmtNetwork]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:18Z [overcloud.Networks.TenantNetwork.TenantSubnet]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:18Z [overcloud.Networks.NetworkExtraConfig]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:04:18Z [overcloud.Networks.ExternalNetwork]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
. . . . . . 

2017-03-18 09:50:41Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step3.0]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:41Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step3]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 09:50:41Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step3]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:41Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.BlockStorageDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:42Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:42Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:42Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 09:50:42Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4.1]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:42Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:42Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:44Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4.0]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:44Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:44Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.BlockStorageDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:44Z [0]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:50:45Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4.2]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:51:09Z [1]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment 793397c2-4d25-4d57-8099-2a7f0dc9a6b6 succeeded
2017-03-18 09:51:10Z [1]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:51:21Z [0]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment 9bca3e79-cac2-4f81-9d95-892f63111f94 succeeded
2017-03-18 09:51:22Z [0]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:51:22Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 09:51:22Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:54:22Z [0]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment 0787037b-33b8-4b49-96dc-f6acc1c91a9e succeeded
2017-03-18 09:54:24Z [0]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:54:24Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 09:54:26Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:55:36Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4.1]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment bdf7d966-38b3-4e49-a185-1a6ae8551335 succeeded
2017-03-18 09:55:37Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4.1]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:55:51Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4.2]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment 2fd0fec3-ceac-48ed-bd13-2ca3f79c3b0e succeeded
2017-03-18 09:55:51Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4.2]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:23Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4.0]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment c11674b5-3c3e-4f6e-92f8-8f0e016f4605 succeeded
2017-03-18 09:58:24Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4.0]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:24Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 09:58:25Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step4]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:25Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:25Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:25Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 09:58:26Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5.1]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:26Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 09:58:26Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.BlockStorageDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:26Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeDeployment_Step5.0]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:26Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:26Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:27Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 09:58:27Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step5.1]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:27Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5.0]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:28Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:28Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.BlockStorageDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:29Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step5.0]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:29Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5.2]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 09:58:57Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step5.1]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment 9f7f48de-85b3-4571-bc30-4200abe9c04e succeeded
2017-03-18 09:58:58Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step5.1]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:59:12Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step5.0]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment 0d7d52e4-a9a0-4790-9d49-a9caca800ebd succeeded
2017-03-18 09:59:12Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step5.0]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:59:12Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 09:59:13Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:59:37Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeDeployment_Step5.0]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment f2ae673d-ed5a-402e-b6de-a886f9185197 succeeded
2017-03-18 09:59:38Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeDeployment_Step5.0]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 09:59:38Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 09:59:38Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:01:59Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5.1]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment 3a488ca8-110c-4603-bc78-72ec16a70f4e succeeded
2017-03-18 10:01:59Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5.1]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:02:34Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5.2]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment 5e2b3745-d733-48ca-9f30-514022122583 succeeded
2017-03-18 10:02:35Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5.2]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:28Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5.0]: SIGNAL_IN_PROGRESS  Signal: deployment 1ee8be1a-3242-4dcf-8bea-ab8b8bac5a41 succeeded
2017-03-18 10:04:29Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5.0]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:29Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 10:04:30Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerDeployment_Step5]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:30Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStoragePostConfig]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:30Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputePostConfig]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:30Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStoragePostConfig]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:31Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageSwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:31Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.BlockStoragePostConfig]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:31Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageSwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 10:04:31Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerSwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:31Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageSwiftRingUpdate.SwiftRingUpdateConfig]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:31Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageSwiftRingUpdate.SwiftRingUpdateConfig]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:31Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostConfig]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:31Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerSwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 10:04:31Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageSwiftRingUpdate.SwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:32Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerSwiftRingUpdate.SwiftRingUpdateConfig]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:32Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerSwiftRingUpdate.SwiftRingUpdateConfig]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:32Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerSwiftRingUpdate.SwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:32Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStoragePostConfig]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:33Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStoragePostConfig]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:33Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.BlockStoragePostConfig]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:33Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageSwiftRingUpdate.SwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:33Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputePostConfig]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:33Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageSwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 10:04:33Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostConfig]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:34Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeExtraConfigPost]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:34Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerExtraConfigPost]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:34Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageExtraConfigPost]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:35Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageExtraConfigPost]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:35Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.BlockStorageExtraConfigPost]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:36Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerExtraConfigPost]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:37Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageSwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:37Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStorageExtraConfigPost]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:37Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputeExtraConfigPost]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:37Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStorageExtraConfigPost]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:37Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.BlockStorageExtraConfigPost]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:37Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:38Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStoragePostPuppet]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:38Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  Stack CREATE started
2017-03-18 10:04:38Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStoragePostPuppet]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:38Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet.ControllerPostPuppetMaintenanceModeConfig]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:38Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.BlockStoragePostPuppet]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:38Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputePostPuppet]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:38Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet.ControllerPostPuppetMaintenanceModeConfig]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:38Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet.ControllerPostPuppetMaintenanceModeDeployment]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:39Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ComputePostPuppet]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:39Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.BlockStoragePostPuppet]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:39Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.CephStoragePostPuppet]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:04:39Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ObjectStoragePostPuppet]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:05:20Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerSwiftRingUpdate.SwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:05:20Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerSwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 10:05:20Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerSwiftRingUpdate]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:05:24Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet.ControllerPostPuppetMaintenanceModeDeployment]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:05:25Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet.ControllerPostPuppetRestart]: CREATE_IN_PROGRESS  state changed
2017-03-18 10:06:01Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet.ControllerPostPuppetRestart]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:06:01Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 10:06:01Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps.ControllerPostPuppet]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:06:01Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully
2017-03-18 10:06:03Z [overcloud.AllNodesDeploySteps]: CREATE_COMPLETE  state changed
2017-03-18 10:06:03Z [overcloud]: CREATE_COMPLETE  Stack CREATE completed successfully

 Stack overcloud CREATE_COMPLETE 

Overcloud Endpoint:
Overcloud Deployed
+ status_code=0
+ openstack stack list
+ exit 0

[stack@undercloud ~]$ nova list
| ID                                   | Name                    | Status | Task State | Power State | Networks               |
| 891e2c58-d151-4326-8a85-cb13918b48bb | overcloud-cephstorage-0 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ctlplane= |
| ddfcad70-6a46-4be3-83c8-7fafbd7f847f | overcloud-cephstorage-1 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ctlplane= |
| 34aac525-815c-4ff6-b48b-457201b72210 | overcloud-controller-0  | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ctlplane= |
| 976a25c5-a0b4-4d4b-8072-5c2a4fe9b1b6 | overcloud-controller-1  | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ctlplane= |
| 66aba256-7c7b-4ad1-bf9f-15fd0fbda445 | overcloud-controller-2  | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ctlplane= |
| 14f0ce1a-6b24-4a2b-a00a-fe63dc3f13bd | overcloud-novacompute-0 | ACTIVE | -          | Running     | ctlplane=  |

[stack@undercloud ~]$ ssh heat-admin@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 5a:81:1d:a0:ea:47:85:c4:10:09:6b:c5:05:00:a6:f7.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo su -
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# vi overcloudrc.v3
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# . overcloudrc.v3
(OVERCLOUD) [root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# pcs status
Cluster name: tripleo_cluster
Stack: corosync
Current DC: overcloud-controller-2 (version 1.1.15-11.el7_3.4-e174ec8) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Sat Mar 18 10:13:27 2017        Last change: Sat Mar 18 10:05:09 2017 by root via cibadmin on overcloud-controller-0

3 nodes and 19 resources configured

Online: [ overcloud-controller-0 overcloud-controller-1 overcloud-controller-2 ]

Full list of resources:

 Master/Slave Set: galera-master [galera]
     Masters: [ overcloud-controller-0 overcloud-controller-1 overcloud-controller-2 ]
 Clone Set: rabbitmq-clone [rabbitmq]
     Started: [ overcloud-controller-0 overcloud-controller-1 overcloud-controller-2 ]
 Master/Slave Set: redis-master [redis]
     Masters: [ overcloud-controller-1 ]
     Slaves: [ overcloud-controller-0 overcloud-controller-2 ]
 ip-    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started overcloud-controller-0
 ip-    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started overcloud-controller-1
 ip-    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started overcloud-controller-2
 ip-    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started overcloud-controller-0
 ip-    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started overcloud-controller-1
 ip-    (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):    Started overcloud-controller-2
 Clone Set: haproxy-clone [haproxy]
     Started: [ overcloud-controller-0 overcloud-controller-1 overcloud-controller-2 ]
 openstack-cinder-volume    (systemd:openstack-cinder-volume):    Started overcloud-controller-0

Daemon Status:
  corosync: active/enabled
  pacemaker: active/enabled
  pcsd: active/enabled
(OVERCLOUD) [root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# ceph status
    cluster bdd7cae4-0bb7-11e7-bc86-009c40cd51e5
     health HEALTH_OK
     monmap e1: 3 mons at {overcloud-controller-0=,overcloud-controller-1=,overcloud-controller-2=}
            election epoch 6, quorum 0,1,2 overcloud-controller-0,overcloud-controller-2,overcloud-controller-1
     osdmap e21: 2 osds: 2 up, 2 in
            flags sortbitwise
      pgmap v149: 288 pgs, 8 pools, 0 bytes data, 0 objects
            16793 MB used, 85582 MB / 102375 MB avail
                 288 active+clean
(OVERCLOUD) [root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# nova-manage --version
 Line - export PROMPT_COMMAND="echo -n '(OVERCLOUD) '"  was commented out from overcloudrc.V3

[stack@undercloud ~]$ ssh heat-admin@
Last login: Sat Mar 18 10:11:56 2017 from
[heat-admin@overcloud-controller-0 ~]$ sudo su -
Last login: Sat Mar 18 10:15:57 UTC 2017 on pts/0
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# . over*
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack compute service list
| ID | Binary           | Host              | Zone     | Status  | State | Updated At          |
|  9 | nova-conductor   | overcloud-control | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-03-18T10:27:17 |
|    |                  | ler-1.localdomain |          |         |       | .000000             |
| 15 | nova-conductor   | overcloud-control | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-03-18T10:27:15 |
|    |                  | ler-2.localdomain |          |         |       | .000000             |
| 21 | nova-scheduler   | overcloud-control | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-03-18T10:27:10 |
|    |                  | ler-1.localdomain |          |         |       | .000000             |
| 27 | nova-compute     | overcloud-novacom | nova     | enabled | up    | 2017-03-18T10:27:14 |
|    |                  | pute-0.localdomai |          |         |       | .000000             |
|    |                  | n                 |          |         |       |                     |
| 30 | nova-consoleauth | overcloud-control | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-03-18T10:27:16 |
|    |                  | ler-1.localdomain |          |         |       | .000000             |
| 36 | nova-scheduler   | overcloud-control | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-03-18T10:27:11 |
|    |                  | ler-2.localdomain |          |         |       | .000000             |
| 39 | nova-consoleauth | overcloud-control | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-03-18T10:27:15 |
|    |                  | ler-2.localdomain |          |         |       | .000000             |
| 42 | nova-conductor   | overcloud-control | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-03-18T10:27:15 |
|    |                  | ler-0.localdomain |          |         |       | .000000             |
| 45 | nova-scheduler   | overcloud-control | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-03-18T10:27:15 |
|    |                  | ler-0.localdomain |          |         |       | .000000             |
| 48 | nova-consoleauth | overcloud-control | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-03-18T10:27:10 |
|    |                  | ler-0.localdomain |          |         |       | .000000             |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack flavor create --public m1.small --id 2 \
>   --ram 1000 --disk 20 --vcpus 1 --rxtx-factor 1
| Field                      | Value    |
| OS-FLV-DISABLED:disabled   | False    |
| OS-FLV-EXT-DATA:ephemeral  | 0        |
| disk                       | 20       |
| id                         | 2        |
| name                       | m1.small |
| os-flavor-access:is_public | True     |
| properties                 |          |
| ram                        | 1000     |
| rxtx_factor                | 1.0      |
| swap                       |          |
| vcpus                      | 1        |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack keypair create oskey031817 > oskey031817.pem
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack  network create ext-net --external \
> --provider-physical-network datacentre  --provider-network-type flat
| Field                     | Value                                |
| admin_state_up            | UP                                   |
| availability_zone_hints   |                                      |
| availability_zones        |                                      |
| created_at                | 2017-03-18T10:29:45Z                 |
| description               |                                      |
| dns_domain                | None                                 |
| id                        | 4bc0aa1f-846d-438f-b8fb-dda1afd0851a |
| ipv4_address_scope        | None                                 |
| ipv6_address_scope        | None                                 |
| is_default                | False                                |
| mtu                       | 1500                                 |
| name                      | ext-net                              |
| port_security_enabled     | True                                 |
| project_id                | 926ded7b57974f64bca5c57e52348bd2     |
| provider:network_type     | flat                                 |
| provider:physical_network | datacentre                           |
| provider:segmentation_id  | None                                 |
| qos_policy_id             | None                                 |
| revision_number           | 5                                    |
| router:external           | External                             |
| segments                  | None                                 |
| shared                    | False                                |
| status                    | ACTIVE                               |
| subnets                   |                                      |
| updated_at                | 2017-03-18T10:29:45Z                 |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack subnet create ext-subnet --network ext-net \
>  --subnet-range  --allocation-pool start=,end= \
>  --no-dhcp --gateway
| Field             | Value                                |
| allocation_pools  |        |
| cidr              |                      |
| created_at        | 2017-03-18T10:30:18Z                 |
| description       |                                      |
| dns_nameservers   |                                      |
| enable_dhcp       | False                                |
| gateway_ip        |                         |
| host_routes       |                                      |
| id                | c8eb2eec-4d56-4249-9ce3-bebd936f5f49 |
| ip_version        | 4                                    |
| ipv6_address_mode | None                                 |
| ipv6_ra_mode      | None                                 |
| name              | ext-subnet                           |
| network_id        | 4bc0aa1f-846d-438f-b8fb-dda1afd0851a |
| project_id        | 926ded7b57974f64bca5c57e52348bd2     |
| revision_number   | 2                                    |
| segment_id        | None                                 |
| service_types     |                                      |
| subnetpool_id     | None                                 |
| updated_at        | 2017-03-18T10:30:18Z                 |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack router create router1
| Field                   | Value                                |
| admin_state_up          | UP                                   |
| availability_zone_hints |                                      |
| availability_zones      |                                      |
| created_at              | 2017-03-18T10:31:06Z                 |
| description             |                                      |
| distributed             | False                                |
| external_gateway_info   | None                                 |
| flavor_id               | None                                 |
| ha                      | True                                 |
| id                      | 90b02a8b-085f-47d5-b8b0-801f7b76706a |
| name                    | router1                              |
| project_id              | 926ded7b57974f64bca5c57e52348bd2     |
| revision_number         | None                                 |
| routes                  |                                      |
| status                  | ACTIVE                               |
| updated_at              | 2017-03-18T10:31:06Z                 |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack router set router1 --external-gateway ext-net
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack network create internal
| Field                     | Value                                |
| admin_state_up            | UP                                   |
| availability_zone_hints   |                                      |
| availability_zones        |                                      |
| created_at                | 2017-03-18T10:32:02Z                 |
| description               |                                      |
| dns_domain                | None                                 |
| id                        | ac2df44b-09c1-4e6f-9a59-9d62246be3cc |
| ipv4_address_scope        | None                                 |
| ipv6_address_scope        | None                                 |
| is_default                | None                                 |
| mtu                       | 1450                                 |
| name                      | internal                             |
| port_security_enabled     | True                                 |
| project_id                | 926ded7b57974f64bca5c57e52348bd2     |
| provider:network_type     | vxlan                                |
| provider:physical_network | None                                 |
| provider:segmentation_id  | 5                                    |
| qos_policy_id             | None                                 |
| revision_number           | 3                                    |
| router:external           | Internal                             |
| segments                  | None                                 |
| shared                    | False                                |
| status                    | ACTIVE                               |
| subnets                   |                                      |
| updated_at                | 2017-03-18T10:32:02Z                 |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack subnet create sub-internal --network internal \
>  --subnet-range  --dns-nameserver
| Field             | Value                                |
| allocation_pools  |                  |
| cidr              |                          |
| created_at        | 2017-03-18T10:32:29Z                 |
| description       |                                      |
| dns_nameservers   |                       |
| enable_dhcp       | True                                 |
| gateway_ip        |                             |
| host_routes       |                                      |
| id                | ce991b3f-2eb9-4b74-8211-0614b9ae1d74 |
| ip_version        | 4                                    |
| ipv6_address_mode | None                                 |
| ipv6_ra_mode      | None                                 |
| name              | sub-internal                         |
| network_id        | ac2df44b-09c1-4e6f-9a59-9d62246be3cc |
| project_id        | 926ded7b57974f64bca5c57e52348bd2     |
| revision_number   | 2                                    |
| segment_id        | None                                 |
| service_types     |                                      |
| subnetpool_id     | None                                 |
| updated_at        | 2017-03-18T10:32:29Z                 |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack router add subnet router1 ce991b3f-2eb9-4b74-8211-0614b9ae1d74
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# nova secgroup-list
| Id                                   | Name    | Description            |
| 7e856afa-7441-42bc-98d2-2b042fee720b | default | Default security group |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack security group rule create 7e856afa-7441-42bc-98d2-2b042fee720b \
>  --protocol tcp --dst-port 22:22 --remote-ip
| Field             | Value                                |
| created_at        | 2017-03-18T10:34:23Z                 |
| description       |                                      |
| direction         | ingress                              |
| ether_type        | IPv4                                 |
| id                | bff6caef-2a25-4f11-af86-c15e532b22ec |
| name              | None                                 |
| port_range_max    | 22                                   |
| port_range_min    | 22                                   |
| project_id        | 926ded7b57974f64bca5c57e52348bd2     |
| protocol          | tcp                                  |
| remote_group_id   | None                                 |
| remote_ip_prefix  |                            |
| revision_number   | 1                                    |
| security_group_id | 7e856afa-7441-42bc-98d2-2b042fee720b |
| updated_at        | 2017-03-18T10:34:23Z                 |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# ls -l
total 517068
-rw-------. 1 root root      6913 Feb  3 15:17 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 204590080 Jun 14  2016 Fedora-Cloud-Base-24-1.2.x86_64.qcow2
-rw-------. 1 root root      6580 Feb  3 15:17 original-ks.cfg
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root      1676 Mar 18 10:29 oskey031817.pem
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root       740 Mar 18 10:16 overcloudrc.v3
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 324861952 Mar 17 15:29 xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack image create --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare \
>  --public --file ./xenial-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img UbuntuXenialCloud-image
| Field            | Value                                                                      |
| checksum         | 996846f05d2d0a8222a6d864c9569ab4                                           |
| container_format | bare                                                                       |
| created_at       | 2017-03-18T10:36:11Z                                                       |
| disk_format      | qcow2                                                                      |
| file             | /v2/images/a6b430da-270c-496f-9cee-a33126b19bfe/file                       |
| id               | a6b430da-270c-496f-9cee-a33126b19bfe                                       |
| min_disk         | 0                                                                          |
| min_ram          | 0                                                                          |
| name             | UbuntuXenialCloud-image                                                    |
| owner            | 926ded7b57974f64bca5c57e52348bd2                                           |
| properties       | direct_url='rbd://bdd7cae4-0bb7-11e7-bc86-009c40cd51e5/images/a6b430da-    |
|                  | 270c-496f-9cee-a33126b19bfe/snap', locations='[{u'url':                    |
|                  | u'rbd://bdd7cae4-0bb7-11e7-bc86-009c40cd51e5/images/a6b430da-270c-496f-    |
|                  | 9cee-a33126b19bfe/snap', u'metadata': {}}]'                                |
| protected        | False                                                                      |
| schema           | /v2/schemas/image                                                          |
| size             | 324861952                                                                  |
| status           | active                                                                     |
| tags             |                                                                            |
| updated_at       | 2017-03-18T10:36:20Z                                                       |
| virtual_size     | None                                                                       |
| visibility       | public                                                                     |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack image list
| ID                                   | Name                    | Status |
| a6b430da-270c-496f-9cee-a33126b19bfe | UbuntuXenialCloud-image | active |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# cinder create --image-id a6b430da-270c-496f-9cee-a33126b19bfe   --display_name=ubuntuXenialVolume  7
| Property                       | Value                                |
| attachments                    | []                                   |
| availability_zone              | nova                                 |
| bootable                       | false                                |
| consistencygroup_id            | None                                 |
| created_at                     | 2017-03-18T10:38:06.000000           |
| description                    | None                                 |
| encrypted                      | False                                |
| id                             | 0c4ae67f-61c2-406e-ac14-ead088454af3 |
| metadata                       | {}                                   |
| migration_status               | None                                 |
| multiattach                    | False                                |
| name                           | ubuntuXenialVolume                   |
| os-vol-host-attr:host          | None                                 |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat | None                                 |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id | None                                 |
| os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id   | 926ded7b57974f64bca5c57e52348bd2     |
| replication_status             | None                                 |
| size                           | 7                                    |
| snapshot_id                    | None                                 |
| source_volid                   | None                                 |
| status                         | creating                             |
| updated_at                     | None                                 |
| user_id                        | de6a6f123d274201943f14ca294b0157     |
| volume_type                    | None                                 |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# cinder list
| ID                                   | Status    | Name               | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| 0c4ae67f-61c2-406e-ac14-ead088454af3 | available | ubuntuXenialVolume | 7    | -           | true     |             |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# rbd -p volumes ls
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# openstack image list
| ID                                   | Name                    | Status |
| a6b430da-270c-496f-9cee-a33126b19bfe | UbuntuXenialCloud-image | active |
[root@overcloud-controller-0 ~]# rbd -p images ls

[stack@undercloud ~]$ ssh -i oskey031817.pem ubuntu@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is 52:df:4d:ce:fd:58:f3:63:4c:cc:94:cb:9a:4c:fe:dd.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-66-generic x86_64)

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The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.

To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
See "man sudo_root" for details.

# A new feature in cloud-init identified possible datasources for                 
# this system as:                                                                                               
# ['Ec2', 'None'] 
# However, the datasource used was: OpenStack                                          #                                                                                                                      
# In the future, cloud-init will only attempt to use datasources that    
# are identified or specifically configured.                             
# For more information see                                               
# If you are seeing this message, please file a bug against              
# cloud-init at                                                          
# Make sure to include the cloud provider your instance is               
# running on.                                                            
# After you have filed a bug, you can disable this warning by launching  
# your instance with the cloud-config below, or putting that content     
# into /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-warnings.cfg                            
# #cloud-config                                                         
# warnings:                                                              
#   dsid_missing_source: off                                             

Disable the warnings above by:
  touch /home/ubuntu/.cloud-warnings.skip
  touch /var/lib/cloud/instance/warnings/.skip